Oxford Street - Danger For Pedestrians

  1. 1. Accidents on other .... streets
  2. 3. But this famous London ....
  3. 4. Not to stop fighting to ....
  4. 6. they have .... major thoroughfares
  5. 8. .... lights are up
  6. 10. But there are huge air .... issues
  7. 12. .... figures show
  8. 13. .... years ago
  1. 2. Around 300 buses travel along .... Street every hour.
  2. 3. Overseeing public .... across the capital
  3. 4. He was hit by a ....
  4. 5. such as ....
  5. 7. London's most .... symbols
  6. 9. Was walking back to his office via Oxford ....
  7. 11. Other cities have done across ....