Protista Kingdom

  1. 2. protists name, heterotrophs that have some characteristics similar to those of fungi
  2. 3. cell type
  3. 4. phylum,ciliates
  4. 11. phylum, cellular slime molds, spores develop into independent free-living amoeba-like cells
  5. 14. mode of nutrition for plantlike protists
  6. 16. phylum,sacodines use pseudopods for feeding and movement
  7. 17. phylum, euglenophytes,primarily photosynthetic
  8. 18. phylum, chrysophytes, mostly photosynthetic; aquatic
  1. 1. mode of nutrition for animallike protists
  2. 5. phylum,zooflagellates
  3. 6. phylum, green algae, live in fresh and salt water, unicellular or multicellular
  4. 7. phylum,nonmotile parasites
  5. 8. phylum, acellular slime molds, spores develop into haploid cells that can switch between flagellated and amoeba-like forms
  6. 9. phylum, diatoms, photosynthetic; live in fresh and salt water
  7. 10. phylum, brown algae, live almost entirely in salt water; muticellular
  8. 12. phylum, red algae, contain red pigment phycobilins
  9. 13. phylum, dinoflagellates, two flagella, most live in salt water, are photosynthetic
  10. 15. kingdom
  11. 19. phylum, water molds, unicellular or multicellular; mostly aquatic; cell walls contain cellulose