P4 Systems

  1. 3. ___________ system; Allows us to move.
  2. 7. Digestion ends here.
  3. 9. Blood containing digested food, water and oxygen are carried to all parts of the body in the _________ system.
  4. 11. ___________ system; Protects the organs in the body and gives the body shape.
  1. 1. More digestive juice is added here.
  2. 2. Water is removed from undigested food here.
  3. 3. Digestion starts here.
  4. 4. ___________ system; Exchange of gases happens here.
  5. 5. Digested food is absorbed into the __________.
  6. 6. ___________ system; Breaks down food into smaller substances.
  7. 8. When digestive juices are added, food is ___________.
  8. 10. No digestion happens here.