P6 AT Crossword (Difficult?! Ask Mr Greenwood for tips)

  1. 6. "Jim is snoring. I think he has _____________ off."
  2. 8. Most animals use their tails to _____________
  3. 9. "There's a FIRE! Get the fire _______________!"
  4. 10. Special price
  5. 11. Tin Shui Wai is in the New _________________
  6. 13. Is that mountain on fire?!
  7. 14. Using public transport reduces air ___________
  8. 15. He couldn't talk. He was ____________!
  9. 18. Put your money in this
  10. 19. When one road meets another road it is called a ___________
  11. 21. A long type of pasta
  12. 24. A place where people lose money!
  13. 25. The area in New York with lots of tall buildings
  14. 26. Opposite of arrival
  15. 28. Slow Kung Fu for old people (2 words)
  1. 1. It is very difficult to ____________ from prison.
  2. 2. A girly laugh
  3. 3. Relax... Take a ________.
  4. 4. A small animal you can see in Australia.
  5. 5. I watch ___________ programmes on Animal Planet.
  6. 6. Hong Kong is ___________ populated
  7. 7. All around the world.
  8. 12. Not bad.
  9. 16. Endangered animals need to be ________________
  10. 17. a My mum's son's sister's dad is my dad's wife's __________
  11. 20. A place where you can watch a football match
  12. 22. Wear this when you go to the gym
  13. 23. Baby kangaroos live in their mother's __________
  14. 25. Strong men have big ___________
  15. 27. Eat this in the park.