P6 Radiation

  1. 2. gas that is released from rocks that can cause damage in alrge doses
  2. 7. Changes to the cell structure that can lead to cancer
  3. 9. Type of radiation that is all around us
  4. 10. Type of radiation that is stopped by paper
  5. 12. _______________ radiation causes electrons to be knocked out of cells causing damage
  6. 14. Exposure to radiation wihtout ever coming into contact with the source
  1. 1. Type of radiation that is stopped by aluminium and is emitted as an electron
  2. 3. Part of the atom that contains protons and neutrons
  3. 4. Most penetrating type of radiation
  4. 5. The joining of 2 hydrogen nuclei to make a alrge nuclei
  5. 6. When a radioactive source is inhaled or ingested and causes damage inside the body
  6. 8. The time taken for the activity of radioactive source to decrease by half
  7. 11. The splitting of uranium to make 2 new nuclei
  8. 13. An atom of the same element that has the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons