Packages And Pricing Review (GEN2413)

  1. 1. What is the maximum subscription of ultra and gig per account?
  2. 4. What tv package do most restaurants subscribe to?
  3. 6. What tv package provides 45+ channels?
  4. 7. What is the current pricing and packaging?
  5. 10. What is the newest pricing and packaging called?
  6. 12. What tv package only includes basic programing?
  7. 16. What internet speed is 600x35 MBPS?
  8. 17. What is the add on that private tv customers can add on to get Starz and HBO?
  9. 20. What is the package called when the customer subscribes to only one lob?
  10. 22. What IP add on is $19.99 an month?
  11. 23. What tv package carries the most popular networks and the top sports packages?
  12. 24. What is the name of the package a customer would have that is higher than the initial promotion but lower than the rack rate?
  1. 2. What add on would a business add on if they wanted to still have internet in an outage?
  2. 3. What tv package add on can bar and restaurants get?
  3. 5. What type of pricing do new customers get?
  4. 8. What tv package allows the customer to have DVR?
  5. 9. What formula do you use to determine the customers pricing and packaging?
  6. 11. What is the standard/rack pricing for gig?
  7. 13. What is the oldest pricing and packaging known as?
  8. 14. What is the limit of instances of standard internet a customer can have?
  9. 15. What are the two ways a customer can pay for Apple tv?
  10. 17. What tv package is ineligible for HBO?
  11. 18. What is the package that has no discounts?
  12. 19. If the customers has more than one lob what is their package called?
  13. 21. How many security suite downloads per business account?