
  1. 4. Padmini is from here
  2. 5. One thing Padmini stole from her mom
  3. 9. One kind of pizza Padmini doesn’t really like
  4. 12. One kind of pizza Padmini likes
  5. 13. Knowing every language helps Padmini be really good at this
  6. 15. on Padmini’s nice shirt
  7. 17. Ginger with an aptly named best friend
  8. 20. Padmini has cool photos with a few of these
  9. 21. Good hairstyle for matching
  10. 23. Favorite add-in
  11. 25. A word Padmini sometimes forgets (but we love her anyway)
  12. 27. Epic nickname
  13. 28. Groovy
  14. 29. Padmini’s a strong contributor to this
  15. 31. Padmini is really good at coming up with themes for this
  1. 1. There are at least this many vowels in English
  2. 2. country star
  3. 3. Padmini’s former place of employment
  4. 6. A good singer
  5. 7. A special Padmini treatsy
  6. 8. Angella
  7. 10. Padmini’s favorite kitchen appliance
  8. 11. Favorite Bunky activity at one point
  9. 14. A good time for dinner
  10. 16. Padmini makes my
  11. 18. Gets to breathe Padmini’s breath every night
  12. 19. The best ones are endorsed by pro athletes
  13. 22. Annie’s
  14. 24. Padmini takes a pic every time she sees this
  15. 26. lovely ceramic
  16. 27. Help keep you cool by keeping the sun from touching your skin
  17. 30. Padmini is so ____ and strong
  18. 31. Padmini is the ____ of the family