Paleolithic and Neolithic Age

  1. 8. where the neolithic people created their settlements
  2. 9. the use of growing and farming your own food
  3. 11. means old stone age
  4. 12. where did paleolithic people find shelter
  5. 14. to tame animals for human use
  1. 1. an organized tool to rank the human population
  2. 2. what did the neolithic people make their houses out of
  3. 3. moving from place to place to survive
  4. 4. what technology tool helped paleolithic people digest food better
  5. 5. long periods of extreme cold
  6. 6. having more food than what is needed
  7. 7. an advanced settlement in human society
  8. 10. what the early humans used to make tools
  9. 11. what tool did the neolithic people create to help with farming
  10. 13. means new stone age