Pangaea & Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. This layer cools down the mantle's rock causing it to sink.
  2. 5. The name of the theory that states all the continents were once joined together and then slowly drifted apart.
  3. 7. A synonym or another name for the sun's energy.
  4. 8. The name of the theory that states earth's surface is broken up into large, rigid pieces called plates.
  5. 11. During convection currents, cold semisolid rock in the mantle will _________.
  6. 12. The specific layer of earth where convection currents occur that move the plates.
  7. 13. The name of the most recent supercontinent.
  8. 14. How many continents make up planet earth?
  9. 15. The warming circulations that occur in the mantle which moves the plates and land above.
  1. 1. South America and Africa have the same exact Mesosaurus __________ proving they were once connected.
  2. 3. During convection currents, hot semisolid rock in the mantle will _________.
  3. 4. Past ____________ evidence such as coal deposits, plant fossils, or reptile bones prove Antarctica used to be warm and near the equator.
  4. 6. America and Europe have ___________ ranges that are made of the exact same type of rock proving it used to be connected.
  5. 9. This layer heats up the mantle's rock causing it to rise.
  6. 10. The __________ of the continents fit together like puzzle pieces proving they used to be connected.