Pangea & Contiental Drift

  1. 3. – A supercontinent
  2. 4. – Using your past knowledge and available facts to try and predict what might happen or come up with an explanation
  3. 6. Records – The remains or imprints of organisms from earlier geological periods
  4. 9. – When two plates collide
  5. 11. Drift – Describes one of the earliest ways geologists thought continents moved over time.
  6. 13. Spreading – The formation of the new areas of oceanic crust, which occurs through the upwelling of the magma at mid-ocean ridges
  1. 1. – The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle
  2. 2. Tectonics - Theory dealing with the earth’s dynamics of earth’s lithosphere and mantle to explain the change in continents over time
  3. 5. – One plate going under another
  4. 7. – device that measures movements of the ground
  5. 8. – When two plates separate
  6. 10. – Study of earth science
  7. 12. – When two plates slide