Parashat Eikev

  1. 1. Remembering Our Ancestors
  2. 3. Land of Milk and Honey
  3. 5. Spiritual Sustenance Provided
  4. 7. Following God's Laws
  5. 10. Faithful to God's Will
  6. 11. Bountiful Blessings Received
  7. 12. Observance of Commandments
  8. 15. Living by God's Laws
  9. 16. Gratitude for Divine Favors
  10. 17. Divine Blessings Await
  11. 18. Listen to God's Voice
  12. 19. Seeking Divine Guidance
  1. 1. Wandering in the Wilderness
  2. 2. God's Eternal Promise
  3. 4. Reverent Admiration Towards God
  4. 6. The Promised Holy Land
  5. 8. Future Generations of Israel
  6. 9. Showing Deep Respect
  7. 13. Great Prophet and Leader
  8. 14. Acknowledging Divine Gifts