Parent's Evening

  1. 4. It's important to __________ in class discussions to share your ideas with others.
  2. 6. Tim practised his __________ tables until he knew them by heart.
  3. 7. The school offers programs to help with the __________ of students' social and emotional skills.
  4. 9. When Jack was feeling sad, his friends offered him __________ and listened to his problems.
  5. 13. The teacher asked the students to read the story again for better __________.
  6. 16. The teacher praised Maria for her __________ skills, as her desk was always tidy.
  7. 19. Lisa is usually __________ and quiet in class, but she always participates when called upon.
  8. 20. The teacher gave us a __________ worksheet to practise more maths problems at home.
  9. 21. Sara felt __________ when she knew all the answers during the maths quiz.
  10. 22. Emily's __________ on endangered animals was informative and well-researched.
  11. 23. The teacher used flashcards to __________ the new vocabulary words.
  12. 24. Tom was __________ when he found out he got an A on his science test.
  1. 1. Sarah got __________ on a difficult maths problem, but she asked the teacher for help.
  2. 2. Before leaving for school, Amy's mom reminded her to _____ _____ she had her lunch.
  3. 3. In science class, we mixed two chemicals to see what __________ would create a reaction.
  4. 5. Reading every day is __________ for improving vocabulary and comprehension.
  5. 8. Tom __________ with spelling, but he practises every day to get better.
  6. 10. In our English class, we learned how to write __________ with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence..
  7. 11. The teacher provided __________ on how to write a good essay, with helpful tips and examples.
  8. 12. The students were _____ __________ during the assembly, sitting quietly and listening to the speaker.
  9. 14. Emily raised her hand to give a __________ for the class project.
  10. 15. James was __________ during class because he kept thinking about his upcoming soccer game.
  11. 17. The teacher asked the class to _____ __________ their textbooks and find examples of similes.
  12. 18. It's important to do your homework every day to _____ ____ with the lessons.