Parliament and the Making of Laws
- 2. All the representatives together control and guide the
- 6. The combined strength of all political parties in the Parliament with less than 50% of representatives is
- 10. The highest law-making body of our country consisting of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha is known as
- 11. --- Minister looks after sanitary conditions of the country
- 14. the lower house of Parliament
- 1. Hour is an important way to contro the executive in Parliament
- 3. Officer of Lok Sabha
- 4. the Chairman of Rajya Sabha
- 5. On 15th August 1947 India became
- 7. An MLA is the member of ……………….. Assembly.
- 8. Representatives to the Parliament are chosen by the
- 9. The leader of ruling party in Parliament is the --- Minister of the country
- 12. The Universal --- Franchise is for the sake of justice and equity
- 13. The upper house of Parliament, representing the states, is termed as