Parliamentary Procedure

  1. 4. to change the decision of the chair
  2. 5. one more than 1/2 the group
  3. 9. an organized way of conducting a meeting
  4. 11. calls for a counted vote
  5. 14. used to correct a parliamentary mistake
  6. 15. less than 1/2 of the group
  1. 1. to end a meeting
  2. 2. used to change a motion
  3. 3. signifies for everyone to stand
  4. 6. a list of what will be discussed at a meeting
  5. 7. used to stop debate and vote
  6. 8. 2/3 of the total membership: required to conduct business
  7. 10. to take a brief break and meet later
  8. 12. informs the members to be seated
  9. 13. used to present a new idea or item of business