Parliamentary Procedure Crossword

  1. 2. This means to discuss or shares your opinion of the motion.
  2. 5. This person takes minutes during the meeting.
  3. 6. This motion allows other members to investigate a matter before the group approves it.
  4. 7. This vote is required when a motion limits members rights.
  5. 10. It is the persons role to run the meeting.
  6. 12. How many taps of the gavel call the meeting to order?
  7. 14. This type of cote has members stand or raise their hand.
  8. 15. In order for a main motion to be discussed it requires a ___.
  1. 1. This motion ends a meeting.
  2. 3. All members are entitled to debate ___ per motion.
  3. 4. Used to change a motion.
  4. 8. This motion is used to call for a revote.
  5. 9. The minimum number of members who must be present for business to be conducted.
  6. 11. This motion introduces a new item of business.
  7. 13. Point of ___ calls attention to a parliamentary error.