Part VII

  1. 2. rather than the __________ of law-breaking.
  2. 7. is one of two adaptive responses to alienation. This specific response denies shame.
  3. 9. ___________ subcultures are sets of rationalizations and conduct norms which cluster together to support criminal behavior
  4. 11. this type of deviance is when an individual commits an act of crime and is not labeled as a deviant by society.
  5. 14. this type of shaming focuses primarily on the act of the offenders’ behavior rather than the offenders' themselves.
  6. 15. Deviance is created by _________.
  7. 17. developed the most noteworthy attempt to specify when societal reaction results in more or less criminality.
  8. 18. The practice of this act has been known to decrease job prospects by stigmatizing people as "ex-offenders".
  9. 20. can cause parents, teachers and others to ensure that they engage in private shamming which is sufficiently systematic.
  1. 1. a theory that proposes that we focus our attention not on the behavior of offender, but on the behavior of those who label, react to, and otherwise seek to control offender.
  2. 3. this type of deviance is when an individual commits a criminal act and is treated as an outsider and labeled deviant by society.
  3. 4. Labeling not only transforms a person’s ___________but also his or her social relationships
  4. 5. the extent to which individuals participate in networks wherein, they are dependent on others to achieve valued ends and others are dependent on them.
  5. 6. this status states that being a criminal serves as the focal point of every interaction.
  6. 8. In this type of society, individuals are densely enmeshed in interdependencies which have the special qualities of mutual help and trust.
  7. 10. his discussion of primary and secondary deviance is considered to be his "greatest contribution" to the field of CJ.
  8. 12. is the theorist who argues that a key proximate cause of delinquent behavior is the "reflected appraisal of others".
  9. 13. type of shaming when no effort is made to reconcile the offender with the community.
  10. 16. an event attended by the victim and offender, their families or community members with a stake in the proceedings, and some type of mediator. Also considered a key component in restorative justice.
  11. 19. Societal reaction is the _______,