Particle Theory

  1. 5. The amount of space something takes up is called _____________.
  2. 6. __________________ is the transfer of heat energy through solids.
  3. 8. The state of matter that results from condensation.
  4. 9. _____________ is the measure of average energy of moving particles in matter.
  5. 11. A state of matter with a definite shape and volume.
  6. 16. Both a liquid and a gas take the shape of their ___________ container.
  7. 18. The states of matter can also be called ______________.
  8. 20. __________ is the total energy of moving particles in matter.
  9. 22. An explanation for why things work or how things happen.
  10. 23. _________________ is when lower temperature causes particles to move slower and come closer together, decreasing their volume.
  11. 24. This happens during the phase change from solid to liquid.
  12. 26. Adding energy ___________ the attraction between particles.
  1. 1. Making ice cube trays is a process of ____________________.
  2. 2. Gas can be ____________ unlike solids and liquids.
  3. 3. When a solid changes directly into a gas.
  4. 4. Heat is transferred by movement of a heated fluid such as air or water.
  5. 7. The opposite of evapoaration.
  6. 10. The particles in a solid move ___________ than those in a liquid.
  7. 12. Gas does not have a _________ shape or volume.
  8. 13. When particles move faster and further apart due to the addition of heat, the volume is said to _________________.
  9. 14. Frost on leaves are an examples of ____________.
  10. 15. The state of matter where forces of attraction are the weakest.
  11. 17. The change from liquid to gas.
  12. 19. The particles in a liquid move ___________ when energy is added.
  13. 21. Adding energy or removing energy causes a ___________ in states of matter.
  14. 25. Steam boils out of water because its particles gain this.