Parts of Speech

  1. 4. Modify Verbs and Used Before Nouns
  2. 6. Clause Clause That Arguments An Independent Clause
  3. 7. is used with auxiliary verbs, and that names the action or state without specifying the subject
  4. 9. Clause That Expresses
  5. 11. Object Identify The Subject
  6. 12. Discribing
  7. 13. A Saying
  8. 14. Person Place or Thing
  9. 15. Main Idea
  10. 18. Express a Complete Proposition
  1. 1. Verb Supporter
  2. 2. Sentence A Sentence COmposed of two sentences put together
  3. 3. Sentence a sentence structure that contains one independent clause and no dependent clauses
  4. 5. Clause Clase That Can Stand By Itself
  5. 8. Object Precedes The Direct Object
  6. 10. Action
  7. 16. Sentence a sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause
  8. 17. Verb Phrase That Can Serve In A Place Of A Noun Pharse