Party riddles
- 1. - (3 words. Separate the two side names with _and_) which 2 sides does a ball have?
- 3. - has a face and hands, but can't move
- 7. - Feed, I grow. Drink, I die.
- 9. - what gets wet while drying?
- 10. - iron man
- 11. - I can be broken, but can't be held
- 13. - what kind of flower has two lips?
- 2. - what has 21 eyes but can't see?
- 4. - what have many teeth but can't eat?
- 5. - I go up and down but I can't move.
- 6. - what goes from Z to A?
- 8. - which word is always spelled incorrectly?
- 12. - in winter Riley threw a ball to Lily. Lily caught not only the ball but something else. What did Lily catch apart from the ball?