Past Tense Irregular Verbs 5

  1. 3. My mom ___ me the money to go on the school field trip to New York City. (lend)
  2. 4. Tony ___ off the cliff in Hawaii. (dive)
  3. 5. The class valedictorian ____ eloquently at the commencement speech. (Speak)
  4. 7. The villain ___ slowly down the hallway. (creep)
  5. 8. The book was ___ in a leather cover. (bind)
  6. 11. The side dishes for Thanksgiving can all be ___ the day before and reheated for the big meal. (premake)
  7. 13. I was ____ to believe that the 60% off sale was on all items in the store. (Mislead)
  8. 14. The weather was so cold outside that the water ____. (freeze)
  9. 17. The teacher told Susy that she really ____ herself with the decorations for the school dance this year. (Outdo)
  10. 18. Sasha ____ her arms around to get the plane's attention. (fling)
  1. 1. The spider ___ the back of my leg while I was sleeping. (Bite)
  2. 2. The robber ___ the scene of the crime. (flee)
  3. 4. She did not like the hand of cards that she had been ___. (deal)
  4. 6. I ____ my knee the backwards and sprained it. (bend)
  5. 7. The kitten ____ to the narrow branch. (cling)
  6. 9. The girl said that she had ____ her parents talking about the surprise vacation. (overhear)
  7. 10. He ____ the greatest actor of all time (become)
  8. 12. Darla ___ the bag with her new pet fish in it. (Shake)
  9. 15. Bob was the main explorer and ____ the group to the summit of Mt. Everest. (lead)
  10. 16. Natasha ___ the poster for the school dance in the hallway. (hang)