  1. 3. most growth occurs in spring, autumn and winter. Suited to soils which are highly fertile and well drained, a grass which you will commonly see on peoples lawns.
  2. 5. shrubs that have been grown as ornamentals and are now major weeds in coastal and sub-coastal areas,
  3. 6. native species, most of the species flower from late winter to summer; seeds are generally sharp with long awns, which are usually twisted
  4. 7. this pasture could be seen as a lovely flower species to those with a lesser knowledge of weed species, commonly known for its beautiful purple flower.
  5. 9. scientific name is Lolium rigidum, highly nutricous and commonly grows in winter and spring
  6. 10. provides feed for livestock; this crop provides fertile soil through nitrogen fixation, green pasture with small yellow flowers
  7. 11. stems are of a redish colour, the flowers are are inconspicuous and surrounded by sharply-pointed, chaff-coloured bracts, occurring in clusters in the axils of the leaves.
  8. 12. this is a perennial grass which is commonly grown from late autumn, winter, spring. This pasture is better suited to a higher fertile soil
  1. 1. a perennial drought tolerant year long green native grass. Will tolerate low soil fertility but will respond to fertiliser applications if soil is deficient in nutrients. Sow in late autumn/early winter, no deeper than 0.5 cm, an Australian native pasture
  2. 2. main growth is in spring, summer and autumn a common fodder crop, crop rotation is essential
  3. 4. leaves become long and thin as the species matures, the crop does not grow in winter, shares the name with a common Australian animal
  4. 8. clover it scientific name is Trifolium subterraneum, Grows mainly in autumn, winter and spring. Suited to moderately acid to neutral soils best-suited legume for large areas of southern New South Wales. Resists grazing as seeds are buried.