
  1. 3. The Lord made a ____ with Abraham
  2. 5. The Lord directed Abraham to the land of ____
  3. 7. When the Lord stopped Abraham from offering Isaac, he offered this instead
  4. 9. "I will bless you abundantly and make your descendants as numerous as the _______ in the sky"
  5. 11. Abraham was __ years old when he left Haran
  6. 14. "All the ____ of the Earth shall find blessing in you" (Gen. 12)
  7. 16. "To your descendants I give this land, from the Wadi of ____ to the Euphrates" (Gen. 15)
  8. 17. Before she was called Sarah, she was ____
  1. 1. The Lord told Abraham to offer Isaac in the land of ____
  2. 2. This means "on the mountain the Lord will see" (Gen. 22)
  3. 4. Both Abraham and Sarah ____ when God told them they would have a child in their old age
  4. 6. Abraham was the father of many ____
  5. 8. Before he was called Abraham, he was ____
  6. 10. Abraham's relationship to Lot (Gen. 12)
  7. 12. When Abraham and Lot separated from one another, Lot chose the land to the _____. (Gen. 13)
  8. 13. Abraham built an altar with ____ to the west and Ai to the east (Gen. 12)
  9. 15. Abraham's first son's name