
  1. 2. ___Is a responsible and accountable member of the healthcare team, provide care in basic and complex situations under the general supervision of an RN or physician
  2. 4. (a dynamic state of health in which an individual progresses toward a higher level of functioning, achieving an optimal balance between internal and external environment)
  3. 8. Latin word "nutrire", which means “to nourish, feed, foster and support.”
  4. 10. The area along the wellness-illness continuum that the patient occupies
  5. 14. Several factors have been highlighted as playing a role in the increase in costs, including an _____ population, increased use of advanced technologies, rising cost of private health care insurance, the rising cost of medical malpractice insurance, and a struggling economy
  6. 15. The _______consists of a network of agencies, facilities, and providers involved with health care in a specified geographic area.
  7. 16. ____an abnormal process in which aspects of the social, emotional, or intellectual condition and function of a person are diminished or impaired)
  8. 17. ___care requires that professionals from differing areas come together to provide comprehensive care
  9. 18. The individual who receives the care
  1. 1. The ____ ____ is a document that outlines the individual needs of the patient and the approach of the health care team to meet these needs.
  2. 3. _______ behavior choices such as smoking, drug abuse, alcoholism, and obesity affect an individual’s health and wellness
  3. 5. believed that an individual’s behavior is formed by the individual’s attempts to meet essential human needs, which he identified as physiologic, safety and security, love and belongingness, and esteem and self-actual-ization
  4. 6. ____ _______ is essential for the exchange of information among the members of the healthcare team
  5. 7. Financial hardship, _______ choices, and social pressures all influence an individual's willingness or ability to actively maintain health or prevent illness
  6. 9. The underinsured and ______ populations face hardship when health care is needed. Determination of who receives care and who does not is becoming an ethical issue at all levels of the health care delivery system
  7. 11. An all-inclusive approach to health care is known as ______(a system of comprehensive or total patient care that considers the physical, emotional, social, economic, and spiritual needs of a person)
  8. 12. The primary goal of the health care team is the ______ physical, mental, and social well-being of the patient
  9. 13. _______ in any form is the permanent record of the patient’s progress and treatment.