Patterns of Earth and Sky Vocabulary Study Guide Chapter 1

  1. 8. The length of time it takes the Earth to rotate 360 degrees on its axis.
  2. 9. A 2-dimensional representation of a globe. (flat)
  3. 11. A unit of measurement equal to the distance light travels in one Earth year.
  4. 13. Observations or measurements recorded in an investigation.
  5. 14. A 3-dimensional, circular shape.
  6. 15. Something scientists make to answer questions abot the real world.
  7. 17. The pull between Earth and other objects, which acts even without touching.
  8. 19. An attempt to find out about something.
  9. 20. A tool for observing objects that are very far away.
  10. 22. The distance across a circle or sphere measured from one side, through the center, to the opposite side.
  11. 26. A sphere of the Earth.
  12. 27. The sun, the 8 planets that orbit the sun, and any other objects that orbit the sun.
  1. 1. To make sense of data.
  2. 2. An illustration that shows how something works or what its parts are.
  3. 3. An arrangement of stars as seen from Earth.
  4. 4. A huge object in space that gives off heat and light.
  5. 5. Things we have seen or done.
  6. 6. Something we observe to be similar over and over again.
  7. 7. A group of billions of stars.
  8. 10. A non-fiction book that scientists use to look up facts and information about a specific topic they are studying.
  9. 12. A scientist who studies stars, planets, and other objects in our universe.
  10. 16. To move in a regular path around something.
  11. 18. The length of time it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun one time.
  12. 21. The third rocky planet from the sun.
  13. 23. Information that supports a scientific idea.
  14. 24. To make a mental picture in your mimd using information from different sources.
  15. 25. The spot in the sky that is directly above your head.
  16. 28. The only star in our solar system.