PC Asia & Americas

  1. 1. Inca knot communication
  2. 6. Tang direction
  3. 8. Aztec Empire capital city
  4. 9. This empire brought the Silk Road under control & allowed for safe travel
  5. 11. The Tang traded along this road
  6. 14. Footbinding enforced this type of society
  1. 2. Large buildings that displayed pre-Columbian engineering skills
  2. 3. Inca, Aztec & Maya all planned this activity...food
  3. 4. Tri-color glaze pottery empire
  4. 5. Covered 12,000,000 sq miles parts of Asia, Europe & SW Asia
  5. 6. This Aztec invention demonstrated thier mathmatical abilities
  6. 7. Gunpowder inventor dynasty
  7. 10. Connected China North & South
  8. 12. The Sui tried to attack this country
  9. 13. Inca farming method