PCH Voacb

  1. 8. There are 2 types of this.
  2. 10. Also known as CPR.
  3. 11. Causes seizures.
  4. 13. A container that can handle high temperatures and high pressures.
  1. 1. You use this to help people who are choking.
  2. 2. Holding sun's heat.
  3. 3. In the atmosphere, doesn't let ultraviolet radiation to hit us.
  4. 4. Go to them when you have skin problems.
  5. 5. A person whose very good at a thing.
  6. 6. CPR with only hands.
  7. 7. Where does your trash go?
  8. 9. Often used in lawns and farms.
  9. 12. When precipitation is lower than 7 on the pH scale.