PE 2 Questions about pictures (18)

  1. 3. Andy thinks bicycling is ___.
  2. 4. Lindsay goes bowling because her _____. three words
  3. 5. What does Gaz think is tiring but fun? two words
  4. 6. When does Lindsay go bowling?
  5. 7. What is Gaz dong right now?
  6. 10. Who is going to go dancing on Friday?
  7. 13. When does Jaz play basketball?
  8. 15. What is Andy doing right now?
  9. 17. Andy goes bicycling twice a week in the ____ .
  10. 19. Why does josh hate dancing? two words
  11. 21. What does Hermie do twice a week
  12. 22. When do Murray and Paul go jogging? three words
  13. 23. Murray and Paul think jogging is ______.
  1. 1. How often does Gaz play basketball? three words
  2. 2. who is going to watch a movie on Friday?
  3. 4. What does Lindsay think about bowling
  4. 8. Often often do Murray and Paul go jogging?
  5. 9. How does Hermie feel about watching movies.
  6. 11. How does Josh feel about dancing?
  7. 12. What are Paul and Murray doing right now?
  8. 14. How often does Josh dance? three words
  9. 16. Hermie ______ when people people talk during a movie
  10. 18. Who is going bowling this Friday?
  11. 20. Andy goes bicycling ______ a week ...