PE Crossword Puzzle Assignment
- 4. Christiano (blank) opened a museum dedicated to himself
- 7. Soccer first developed in (blank),England
- 8. There have been more (blank) sold than footballs, basketballs, and baseballs combined
- 10. This is what a soccer field is called
- 12. Soccer was illegal in this American state until 1991
- 13. In 1998, a (blank) bolt killed an entire soccer team
- 15. The rules of ultimate frisbee were made in a highschool in New (blank)
- 1. (Blank) soccer teams have been able to play in the Olympics since 1996
- 2. One of every 20 soccer injuries are caused by (blank) a victory
- 3. Soccer balls are slightly (blank) shaped
- 4. A real ultimate frisbee match has no (blank)
- 5. Most watched and most played sport
- 6. Ultimate frisbee is not yet an (blank) event
- 9. This city hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup Final Game
- 11. The end zones in ultimate frisbee are (blank) as big as in football
- 14. In some countries, a soccer player's cleats are called (blank)