PED 409 Definitions ~ Denalyn Kwok
- 6. Learning events required for students to achieve meaningful understanding, retention, practice, and application of knowledge with feedback
- 8. [blank] is power!
- 15. You need to have steady hands when performing a medical [blank]
- 16. I used to work in Human [blank], but then it got too personnel...
- 17. Collected facts and data about a subject area
- 18. Modern inventions that can and should be used within the classroom
- 19. Type of assessment used to evaluate student's learning at the end of an instructional unit
- 22. Type of Spontaneous forms of assessment that can easily be incorporated into day-to-day classroom activities
- 23. Methods of how teachers teach
- 1. Teaching the same material using different instructional strategies
- 2. Synonym for an exam
- 3. Type of systematic, data-based assessment
- 4. Socrates is the father of [blank]
- 5. Teachers use this to help students become independent, strategic learners
- 7. The dress code casual or [informal]
- 9. Something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example
- 10. The order in which context should be taught for the best learning
- 11. Type of assessment used to monitor learning for ongoing feedback
- 12. Applying knowledge and experience to make decisions and judgments
- 13. A black-tie event is a [blank] event
- 14. Sally was smiling today, she has a joyful [blank]
- 20. Acronym for an academic program developed to cater to children with disabilities
- 21. Familiarity or understanding gained through experience or study