Peggy's Welcome Back to Arizona Crossword

  1. 1. You like to do jigsaw __________.
  2. 6. Your oldest daughter.
  3. 7. Your birthday month.
  4. 8. Your husband's name.
  5. 9. What metropolitan area you grew up in.
  6. 11. Day of the week we see each other between June and November.
  7. 13. One of your favorite summertime hobbies Farmer Peggy.
  8. 14. What kind of sessions do you provide professionally.
  9. 15. One of the games you like to play (2 words).
  10. 17. State you live in for the winter.
  11. 18. One of your favorite physical activities.
  1. 2. One of your recent canine friends.
  2. 3. Who's house we used to pick up our Food co-op monthly orders (2 words).
  3. 4. One of your recent canine friends.
  4. 5. What yummy treats you always have in a small dish on the counter in your kitchen.
  5. 10. Your youngest daughter.
  6. 12. Where you live now.
  7. 16. Your maiden name.
  8. 17. Name of our CSA.