- 1. was there 120 people.
- 4. it is important because it is 50 days after Easter.
- 6. start of pentecost 50 days after easter.
- 10. the book where the story of jesus was.
- 11. is found 190 km due north of capital port villa port villa was also known as “the feast of weeks”,also “the feast of harvest” and the “day of fruits” it is mentioned several times in the o.t.
- 12. the loyal followers of jesus (there were 12).
- 13. _____ died on the cross.
- 14. a wor found in the book of acts of the apostles.
- 1. happened the spirit fell on 120 believers on the day of Pentecost,they began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance.
- 2. the holy_______ came to the disciples acts the book where the story of Pentecost was.
- 3. the spirit appeared as tongues of apostles.
- 5. this is because because it is exactly 50 days after the Passover it was the end of the old testament feast of the weeks.
- 7. the diciples spoke many different languages
- 8. we celebrate it 50 days after Easter.
- 9. leader of the apostles.