  1. 4. number of green homes to be built in South Korea
  2. 8. _____ River supplies hydraulicity to China
  3. 9. China is lacking _____ due to Chinese medicines
  4. 11. percentage of non-target animals caught in nets
  5. 12. sent by North & South Korea (S.Korea has sent _____)
  6. 14. 400 mi long reservoir / the world's largest dam
  7. 18. in1990s, Japan 4th largest emitter
  8. 19. largest consumer of whale meat
  9. 23. affects entire Korean Peninsula
  10. 24. cultivation of wild fish stock
  11. 25. Japan & China signed a treat to address _________
  12. 27. increasing demand and productive of harvesting fish
  13. 28. Japan turned to _____ technology for electrical energy
  1. 1. 3rd most deforested country in the world
  2. 2. among cities with worst air pollution in the world
  3. 3. China's population without clean water
  4. 5. Chinese city in state of emergency in 2013
  5. 6. ________ systems failing because of urbanization
  6. 7. companies in Japan built _____ turbines
  7. 10. preserved for panda bear survival
  8. 13. pumping untreated sewage into the Pacific Ocean
  9. 15. ______ exerts strongest influence on Chinese life
  10. 16. _____ net operations = Fishing with huge nets
  11. 17. 80% of S. Korean population live in
  12. 20. plan to reduce climate change
  13. 21. 7,000 gallons of industrial wastewater daily
  14. 22. major cause of air pollution/acid rain in North Korea
  15. 26. area reserved for Siberian Tigers