People and Their Environment: India

  1. 3. Protected areas ensure that the habitat of this type of endangered tiger is preserved.
  2. 4. Type of elephant at risk due to loss of its natural forest habitat.
  3. 7. India's highest dam.
  4. 8. India's capital city.
  5. 9. Too much agricultural plowing changes the structure and composition of this.
  1. 1. Deforestation began in this era.
  2. 2. Ten percent of the world's population (about half of India's population) lives in this river valley.
  3. 5. As people draw water from deeper underground, it can be contaminated by this.
  4. 6. Site of one of the worst environmental disasters in history, killing between 15-20 thousand people.
  5. 7. India has the world's largest population of these animals found in the wild.