Percy Jackson

  1. 2. food of the gods
  2. 8. a centaur; the camp activities director at Camp Half-Blood
  3. 9. goddess of wheat and grain
  4. 10. The Greek goddess of the hunt
  5. 12. the kingdom of the dead, where souls go for eternity; ruled by Hades
  6. 14. the best fighter of the Greeks; had only one weak spot; his heel
  7. 15. a Roman city situated in modern-day Turkey; site of the Trojan War
  8. 16. the Greek god of death
  1. 1. a city-state in ancient Greece with military dominance
  2. 3. the Greek goddess of wisdom
  3. 4. the Greek earth goddess; mother of Titans, giants, Cyclopes, and other monsters
  4. 5. greek god of the sea; Percy Jacksons Dad
  5. 6. the Greek goddess of the rainbow
  6. 7. the Greek queen of the Underworld; wife of Hades; daughter of Zeus and Demeter
  7. 10. the Greek god of the sun, prophecy, music, and healing; son of Zeus and Leto, twin of Artemis
  8. 11. the Greek god of the sky and king of the gods
  9. 13. the Greek god of the wild; the son of Hermes