Percy Jackson vocab crossword
- 2. (adj.) feeling or expressing sadness, regret, or grief
- 7. (adj.) to enclose; firmly set into something
- 9. (adj.) not showing proper respect; rudeness
- 11. (adj.) resistant to infection or protected from the effects of something
- 12. (n.) the act of making something known that was secret, or a fact that is made known:
- 14. (n.) an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear
- 15. (n.) fire-breathing monster with a lion’s head, goat body, and serpent’s tail.
- 17. (adj.) sad, gloomy, depressed in spirits torment (v.) severe physical or mental suffering reluctantly (adv.) 174 in an unwilling or hesitant way insufferable (adj.) 185 too extreme to bear, intolerable
- 1. (v.) produce or discharge something—specially gas or radiation
- 3. (v.) do as someone asks or wants in order to please them
- 4. (v.) disappear or cause to disappear
- 5. (v.)to give support or relief to
- 6. (adv.) not definitely or in a way that lacks confidence
- 8. (adj.) misleading others
- 10. (adj.) 189 feelings of longing or affection for the past unworthy, or mean
- 13. (n.) an extraordinary change of a person or thing into a completely different one
- 16. (adv.) expressing anger or annoyance at something unjust,