
  1. 4. simple in nature; not affected; innocent simplicity; childlike
  2. 5. a dictionary; a special vocabulary: wail
  3. 6. gloomy, dark, cloudy
  4. 7. of this world and not of heaven; common, worldly; not spiritual
  5. 10. made up of different, dissimilar parts; being of many colors
  6. 11. noble; generous in forgiving; free from petty feeling or acts
  7. 13. an alcoholic drink
  1. 1. having to do with the night; occurring at night
  2. 2. a beginner; one who is new or inexperienced
  3. 3. lightness or gaiety of disposition; lack of seriousness
  4. 6. extremely careful about small details
  5. 8. a very large number; of a highly varied nature
  6. 9. a lord, master, or sovereign
  7. 11. having to do with marriage
  8. 12. one who works only for money, especially a hired soldier