Period 1, "Rime" and "Prometheus"

  1. 2. color of frost.
  2. 7. nothing (also spelled naught)
  3. 8. all or anything
  4. 12. to hear someone's confession of their sins.
  5. 13. archaic word meaning to frolic or play in lively way.
  6. 14. to cut off (as in the branch of a tree).
  7. 15. loaded with; e.g. carrying: heavyily or lightly laden.
  8. 16. nautical unit of measurement equal to six feet
  9. 18. contemptuously rude or impertinent behavior.
  10. 20. disagreement (n); dissent (adj or verb form).
  11. 22. Fine film of cobwebs that float in the air, usually in calm, clear weather.
  12. 23. that or those (used to refer to something situated at a distance) (n).
  1. 1. specialized vocabulary for a particular type of work.
  2. 3. weathervane
  3. 4. un-satisfied (adj).
  4. 5. severe mental or physical pain or suffering (n).
  5. 6. consisting of or expressing a vow, wish, or desire; e.g. a votive prayer.
  6. 9. a type of prickly plant
  7. 10. archaic word for immediatly.
  8. 11. a speech invoking or calling upon a deity, spirit, etc., for aid, protection, inspiration, or the like; supplication.
  9. 17. singing accompanied by instrumental music.
  10. 19. unlimited power (n); quality of unlimited power (adj).
  11. 21. evening prayers.