Period 3, "Rime" and "Prometheus"

  1. 2. color of frost.
  2. 4. that or those (used to refer to something situated at a distance) (n).
  3. 6. to feel or express contempt or derision for (v); a feeling of contempt (n)
  4. 8. contemptuously rude or impertinent behavior.
  5. 10. to desire to have a quality or possession belonging to someone else; or, the desire for someone else's quality or possession (n).
  6. 12. the fireplace at the center of a home
  7. 13. nothing
  8. 14. full of abusive power.
  9. 18. a type of prickly plant
  10. 19. archaic word for immediatly.
  11. 20. evening prayers.
  1. 1. specialized vocabulary for a particular type of work.
  2. 3. unlimited power (n); quality of unlimited power (adj).
  3. 5. archaic word meaning to frolic or play in lively way.
  4. 7. delayed (adj).
  5. 9. loaded with; e.g. carrying: heavyily or lightly laden.
  6. 11. to be jealous or covetous
  7. 15. relieve (adj).
  8. 16. consisting of or expressing a vow, wish, or desire; e.g. a votive prayer.
  9. 17. singing accompanied by instrumental music.