Period 7 APUSH

  1. 5. organization formed during the Red Scare to protect free speech rights
  2. 6. dominant civil rights leader of the 1920s. He was militaristic and radically rejected the lack of equality by proposing a migration to Africa, but was imprisoned and deported.
  3. 8. A group of writers and journalists who exposed corporate malfeasance and political corruption close to the beginning of the 20th century
  4. 11. committee organized by isolationists in 1940 to oppose the entrance of the United States into World War II
  5. 12. amendment to the Cuban constitution that blocked Cuba from making a treaty with any country except the United States and gave the United States the right to intervene in Cuban affairs
  6. 17. series of raids led by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer on radical organizations that peaked in January 1920, when federal agents arrested six thousand citizens and aliens and denied them access to legal counse
  7. 18. The sinking of this ship started the Spanish-American war
  8. 19. President of the United States during WWI
  9. 20. assertion that the U.S. would act as a “policeman” in the Caribbean region to protect U.S. interests in Latin America.Treaty of Versailles - saddled Germany with a debt of $33 billion in war damages.
  10. 25. Identified by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as the most basic human rights: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear
  11. 26. massive movement of African Americans north after World War I opened job opportunities
  12. 30. fell into an economic crisis early in the 1920s due to less demand and lower prices for food after World War I
  13. 31. saddled Germany with a debt of $33 billion in war damages
  14. 33. upheld the right of industrial workers to join unions and established the National Labor Relations Board
  15. 34. amendment to the 1898 U.S. declaration of war against Spain disclaiming any intention by the United States to occupy Cuba
  16. 37. Federal New Deal program that provided government-funded public works jobs to millions of unemployed Americans during the Great Depression in areas ranging from construction to the arts
  17. 39. expanded the number of people paying income taxes from 3.9 million to 42.6 million. These taxes on personal incomes and business profits paid half the cost of World War II
  18. 40. small but vocal group of Americans who pushed for greater U.S. involvement in Europe
  19. 42. law that created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which insured deposits up to $2,500 (and now up to $250,000), also prohibited banks from making risky, unsecured investments with customers’ deposits
  20. 43. session during the first few months of Franklin Roosevelt’s administration in which Congress enacted fifteen major bills that focused primarily on four problems: banking failures, agricultural overproduction, the business slump, and soaring unemployment
  21. 44. villages full of shacks located in cities filled with unemployed Americans
  1. 1. imporved farming techniques during dust bowl
  2. 2. association of industrialists and business leaders opposed to government regulation. In the era of the New Deal, the group promoted free enterprise and capitalism through a publicity campaign of radio programs, motion pictures, billboards, and direct mail
  3. 3. The term for women who embodied fast lives in the 1920s
  4. 4. group of 15,000 unemployed World War I veterans who set up camps near the Capitol building in 1932 to demand immediate payment of pension awards
  5. 7. A period where the government went after communists and other radical ideologies
  6. 9. This Program when enacted helped retirees
  7. 10. order signed by President Roosevelt that authorized the War Department to force Japanese Americans from their West Coast homes and hold them in relocation camps for the rest of the war
  8. 13. intercepted dispatch that urged Mexico to join the Central Powers and promised that if the United States entered the war, Germany would help Mexico recover Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona
  9. 14. known as the GI Bill, legislation authorizing the government to provide World War II veterans with funds for education, housing, and health care, as well as loans to start businesses and buy homes
  10. 15. conference in which Britain and France agreed to allow Germany to annex the Sudetenland in return for Hitler’s pledge to seek no more territory
  11. 16. Legislation that sought to avoid entanglement in foreign wars while protecting trade
  12. 21. political party founded in 1916 that fought for an Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in the early twentieth century
  13. 22. document warning European countries against colonization of the Western Hemisphere
  14. 23. thought the federal government should not get involved in the economy, blamed for the great depression
  15. 24. The act that made it a crime to criticise the government or its officials
  16. 27. severely limited immigration, especially from Southern and Eastern Europe
  17. 28. Principles for a new world order proposed in 1919 by President Woodrow Wilson as a basis for peace negotiations at Versailles
  18. 29. international organization bringing together world governments to prevent future hostilities, proposed by President Woodrow Wilson in the aftermath of World War I
  19. 32. Project Top-secret project authorized by Franklin Roosevelt in 1942 to develop an atomic bomb ahead of the Germans
  20. 35. date of the Allied invasion of northern France. opened a second front against the Germans and moved the Allies closer to victory in Europe
  21. 36. series of dust storms from 1930 to 1941 during which a severe drought afflicted the semiarid states of Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arkansas, and Kansas
  22. 38. anticommunist hysteria that swept the United State first after World War I
  23. 41. plan by Franklin D.Roosevelt intended to bring economic relief, recovery, and reforms to the country after the Great Depression