Period 7 Review

  1. 4. large scale economic recession that began in 1929
  2. 7. post WWI writers against consumer culture
  3. 8. African American performer who spread music depicting black life to white audiences
  4. 10. organization founded to oppose annexation of Philippines
  5. 13. New Deal program that employed those in need, lasted four months
  6. 14. person who promoted “Back to Africa” movement and advocated for racial pride, set up the UNIA
  7. 16. African American rights advocate, urged black people to demand first-class citizenship and the right to vote, as well as to gain a liberal arts education
  8. 17. act that banned unfair corporate operations and protected unions
  9. 18. effort by the Nazis to eradicate Jewish people in Europe
  10. 23. act that prohibited anti war activities during World War I
  11. 24. founder of Tuskegee Institute for teaching African Americans industrious habits and practical job skills
  12. 25. Woodrow Wilson’s progressive agenda for a limited government
  13. 27. President that used economic policies called the New Deal to support Americans during the Great Depression and entered the United States into World War II
  14. 29. purposeful separation of people into racial groups
  15. 31. 1942 civil rights activist organization against racial inequality in public accomodations
  16. 33. women who was a leader in the feminist movement; anarchist critic of capitalism and middle-class sexual-morality
  17. 34. President that ordered the use of the atomic bomb against Japan at the end of World War II, adopted containment policy against communism
  18. 35. President during the beginning of the Great Depression, his recovery efforts failed to ease the effects on American citizens
  19. 38. 1919 legislation granting women voting rights
  20. 40. American general during World War II, later became president
  21. 41. the spread of African American cultural ideas through art during 1920s
  1. 1. industrial fire leading to the deaths of 146 workers, mostly women
  2. 2. passed by Congress to limit Cuban sovereignty after Spanish-American War
  3. 3. the roundup and deportation of suspected alien radicals from 1919-1920
  4. 5. movement that sought change without radically altering capitalism or democratic political system in the late 19th and early 20th century
  5. 6. 1917 population shift of African Americans leaving the South due to poverty and discrimination
  6. 9. author of The Jungle, helped food industry become more sanitary
  7. 11. president who advocated for conservatism and coined the term “bully pulpit”
  8. 12. journalists who exposed corruption
  9. 15. priest who used radio broadcasts to discuss economic and political issues; criticized FDR’s New Deal program
  10. 19. plan to provide economic and political stability by guaranteeing rights to workers and protecting business interests
  11. 20. advocated for social reforms to improve the lives for the impoverished helped establish the Hull House, promoted the idea of civic housekeeping for women
  12. 21. 1913 legislation allowing for graduated income tax
  13. 22. founder of an automobile industry, utilized the assembly line to achieve mass production
  14. 26. book that led to regulation of food safety
  15. 28. British prime minister during World War II, ally of United States
  16. 30. FDR’s plan used to combat the Great Depression
  17. 32. treaty ending WWI
  18. 36. the fear of communist radicalism in the U.S. after Russian Revolution
  19. 37. a person who supports the idea of women having same opportunities as men
  20. 39. political and social movement to preserve wildlife and nature