Periodic Table

  1. 3. name of element Mendeleev predicted properties for
  2. 6. all elements in this family are radioactive
  3. 7. they are also called the rare earth elements
  4. 8. these metals react violently in water
  5. 10. name of family with 4 valence electrons
  6. 11. dull, poor conductors, low melting points
  7. 15. noble gas used to fill blimps
  8. 18. the number of groups on the periodic table
  9. 20. elements on earth were made in ?
  10. 21. father of the periodic table
  11. 24. element responsible for bad odors in garlic & eggs
  12. 25. heaviest noble gas
  13. 28. they have 8 valence electrons and are inert
  14. 30. number of periods on the periodic table
  15. 31. most common element in the earth's crust
  16. 33. alkali metal in table salt
  17. 34. approximately 80% of elements are classified as a ?
  18. 35. a vertical column
  1. 1. a horizontal row
  2. 2. the group of metals contain the most members
  3. 4. Mg and Ca are part of this family
  4. 5. most nonmetals are this state of matter
  5. 9. most common element in the universe
  6. 10. halogen used for disinfectant & chemical warfare
  7. 12. first table element in order of increasing atomic?
  8. 13. nuclear process that gives stars their energy
  9. 14. the most reactive nonmetals; toxic elements
  10. 16. another name for a group
  11. 17. all elements heavier than this element are synthetic
  12. 19. the period corresponds to the number of these in an element
  13. 20. important metalloid for computers & cell phones
  14. 22. the outermost electrons are called ? electrons
  15. 23. element present in a star's core that indicates the end of their life
  16. 26. the current periodic table is arranged by increasing atomic ?
  17. 27. semiconductors are classified as a ?
  18. 29. a liquid nonmetal
  19. 32. most common element in the atmosphere