Periodic Table

  1. 2. This element rhymes with "sink"
  2. 5. This element is another word for a very bright version of a color that burns your eyes
  3. 6. When "ony" is added to the end of this element's symbol, it spells a word that means intense pain
  4. 8. This element's atomic # is 23
  5. 10. This element sounds like "scandalous"
  6. 14. This element is also the title of a song
  7. 15. This element's symbol spells "sin" if an "i" is put in between the 2 letters of its symbol
  8. 16. A fake version of this element is found in your pencil
  9. 17. This element has an atomic mass of 101
  10. 18. This element is one that Marie Curie discovered
  11. 19. This element has the word "german" in it
  1. 1. This element is a liquid in the 4th row of the periodic table
  2. 3. This element is what pennies are made of
  3. 4. This element's one-letter symbol is 5 letters before the first letter of this element's actual name in the alphabet
  4. 7. This element is found on the 5th row of the periodic table and starts with a "c"
  5. 9. ______ foil
  6. 11. This element's symbol is the abbreviation for mountain
  7. 12. This element is necessary to human survival
  8. 13. The first part of this element's name is "liver"
  9. 14. This element sounds a lot like "Tennessee"