Periodic Table

  1. 4. _____ is at the top right of each element
  2. 8. Periods have the same number of occupied ______
  3. 9. Group 2
  4. 10. Noble gases have a _____ which makes them stable
  5. 14. Most Reactive Nonmetal
  6. 15. HONClBrIF are special because they are ____
  7. 16. elements 93 and higher are ____ meaning they are manmade
  8. 17. ____ is also equal to the atomic mass
  9. 19. Group 17
  10. 20. hydrogen and ____ only need 2 electrons to be stable
  1. 1. Atomic mass is a _____ of masses
  2. 2. only mercury and ____ are liquid at stp
  3. 3. Groups share _____
  4. 5. ____ have multiple oxidation states and colored ions
  5. 6. ____ has properties of metals and nonmetals
  6. 7. mass number is equal to ____ + neutrons
  7. 11. Group 1
  8. 12. Group 18
  9. 13. ____ is what the periodic table is sorted by
  10. 18. Most Reactive Metal