periodic table

  1. 6. capable of being shaped or bent
  2. 7. the sum of the number of neutrons and protons in an atomic nucleus
  3. 8. deterioration in metals from oxidation or chemical action
  4. 12. the property of transmitting heat,electricity or sound
  5. 13. a representation of something,often on a smaller scale
  6. 14. a subatomic particle with zero charge
  7. 16. the smallest component of an element
  8. 17. ready susceptibility to chemical change
  9. 19. non resembling shiny, malleable, conductive elements
  1. 1. the property of an atom that causes it to have weight
  2. 2. a chemical element or alloy that is usually a shiny solid
  3. 3. any of the monovalent metals of group
  4. 4. an elementary particle with negative charge
  5. 5. arrangement of chemical elements according to atomic number
  6. 9. a stable particle with positive charge
  7. 10. the positively charged dense center of an atom
  8. 11. a quantity of protons in the nucleus of an atom of an element
  9. 15. capable of being shaped or bent
  10. 16. a mixture containing two or more metallic elements
  11. 18. atom with same atomic number, different number of neutrons