Periodic Table

  1. 3. sodium or lithium
  2. 5. aurum according to Caesar
  3. 6. positive charged part
  4. 8. column
  5. 11. Cellular respiration need
  6. 12. reactivity for example
  7. 14. needed for alloys
  8. 17. in toothpaste and water usually
  9. 20. in most glass
  10. 21. ingredient of table salt
  11. 23. most of the left side of the Table
  12. 24. formally quicksilver
  13. 25. Chemical origin of South American place name
  14. 26. inert gas example
  15. 27. Kennecott ore
  16. 28. outermost electrons
  17. 30. Superman home or Noble Gas
  18. 31. in phone batteries
  19. 32. organic, in chemistry
  1. 1. density for example
  2. 2. bromine for example
  3. 4. used to find isotopes
  4. 6. of Oppenheimer interest
  5. 7. in water
  6. 9. in many illuminated signs
  7. 10. found in bones
  8. 13. gives off hydrogen ions
  9. 15. Xenon for example
  10. 16. determines reactivity
  11. 18. misnamed superhero's moniker ____-man
  12. 19. no longer wolfram
  13. 20. volcanic emissions
  14. 22. row
  15. 26. lightweight metal
  16. 29. in many pools