Periodic Table

  1. 3. Very reactive group of elements with 7 valence electrons.
  2. 5. Designed the first periodic table
  3. 6. The thing that represents the valence electrons in an atom.
  4. 8. Transition Metals start on this group number.
  5. 11. One of two groups that are radioactive with only two elements.
  6. 14. This metal is lightweight and has an atomic number of 13.
  7. 15. A molecule with an electric charge.
  8. 18. These are solids that can easily break and have the ability to conduct electricity.
  9. 23. This nonmetal is in the first group on the way top.
  10. 24. A chemical found in many swimming pools and in the Halogens group.
  11. 25. How many rows are in the periodic table
  12. 26. This is the classification of alkali metals.
  13. 28. Negative charge in an atom.
  14. 30. An alkali metal 3rd in its group.
  15. 31. These are dense and have high melting points and luster.
  16. 32. Neutral charge in an atom.
  1. 1. Positive charge in an atom.
  2. 2. Electrons in the outermost shell of an atom.
  3. 4. A noble gas that's 4th in group 18.
  4. 7. Group with metallic elements and has valence electrons in two shells instead of one.
  5. 9. The thing that increases down a group in the periodic table.
  6. 10. Part of the Alkaline Earth Metals and is last in that group.
  7. 12. This metalloid has an atomic number of 14.
  8. 13. Group with 3 valence electrons
  9. 16. The basic unit of a chemical element.
  10. 17. Is nonflammable, colorless, and fairly nonreactive
  11. 19. The number of periods this table contains
  12. 20. Symbol is (Ba) in the group of alkali earth metals.
  13. 21. Classified as a noble gas and has 8 valence electrons with an atomic number of 10.
  14. 22. Grouped in actinides and has a symbol (Ac).
  15. 27. The most reactive element.
  16. 29. These are brittle, bad conductors of heat, and are not strong.