periodic table

  1. 2. Who created the first periodic table
  2. 3. this element is in the alkali metals group
  3. 4. this element is in the noble gases group
  4. 5. nonmetals become ______ ions; called anions
  5. 7. most reactive nonmetals
  6. 10. react violently with most nonmetals
  7. 15. when metals and nonmetals chemically bong together, ions are formed from a ______ of electrons
  8. 16. metals become ______ ions; called cations
  9. 17. nonmetals are very _____
  10. 18. the graph the elements are organized on
  11. 22. better conductor than nonmetals but not as good as metals
  12. 23. this element is in the halogens group
  13. 24. nonmetals _____ electrons
  1. 1. type of metals that oxidize in air
  2. 6. alkali metals react with _____ to make strong bases
  3. 8. also known as "rare earth metals"
  4. 9. this element is in the halogens group
  5. 11. have characteristic colors when excited
  6. 12. metals are good ______ of heat and electricity
  7. 13. this element is in the alkaline earth metals group
  8. 14. the periodic table is organized into ____ and periods
  9. 15. type of metals that are the best conductors of heat and electricity
  10. 19. metals _____ electrons
  11. 20. extremely soft metals
  12. 21. the number of the charge depends on how many _____ electrons are lost or recieved