Periodic Table

  1. 2. used for electrical conductivity and in various alloys
  2. 6. used in steelmaking and as a dietary supplement
  3. 9. a reactive metal found in table salt
  4. 11. a rare earth metal used in catalysts and camera lenses
  5. 13. a highly reactive halogen used for disinfection
  6. 16. a halogen element with various industrial uses
  7. 17. making up a large portion of Earth's atmosphere
  8. 19. the basis of organic chemistry, forming the backbone of many molecules
  9. 20. known for its malleability and use in alloys like bronze
  10. 21. known for its toxicity and used in various compounds
  11. 23. the most reactive of all elements
  12. 25. a lightweight metal with diverse industrial applications
  13. 27. the first element on the periodic table
  14. 28. known for its distinctive smell, important in various chemical processes
  15. 29. a radioactive element used as fuel in nuclear reactors
  16. 32. used in electronics and dietary supplements
  17. 33. a precious metal used in jewelry and catalytic converters
  18. 35. the second element, a noble gas with atomic number 2
  19. 37. used in magnets and rechargeable batteries
  20. 39. used in medicine and fireworks
  21. 40. essential for bone and teeth structure
  22. 43. a transition metal used in aerospace components
  23. 44. often used in alloys and pharmaceuticals
  24. 45. an alkali metal important for nerve function and muscle control
  25. 46. known for its strength and used in high-temperature applications
  1. 1. an inert gas used in welding and light bulbs
  2. 3. heavy metal with various applications but known for its toxicity
  3. 4. essential for life, found in DNA and cell membranes
  4. 5. a metal with a low melting point, used in semiconductors
  5. 7. a semiconductor used in electronics
  6. 8. used in medicine and as a disinfectant
  7. 9. known for its lustrous appearance and use in jewelry and currency
  8. 10. a noble gas known for its use in neon lights
  9. 12. an alkaline earth metal used in alloys and medicine
  10. 14. lightweight and strong, used in aerospace and electronics
  11. 15. highly valued for its rarity and use in jewelry and electronics
  12. 18. a transition metal crucial for many biological processes
  13. 19. used in batteries and pigments but considered toxic
  14. 20. used in alloys and as a semiconductor
  15. 22. known for its corrosion resistance, used in plating and alloys
  16. 24. used in numerous industrial applications and dietary supplements
  17. 26. known for its high melting point and used in light bulb filaments
  18. 30. known for its strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance
  19. 31. a radioactive noble gas found in some homes
  20. 34. a transition metal used in alloys like stainless steel
  21. 36. a liquid metal at room temperature, historically used in thermometers
  22. 38. known for its strength and used in steel alloys
  23. 41. used in flame retardants and as a semiconductor
  24. 42. a radioactive element historically used in luminous paints
  25. 47. a vital element for respiration and combustion