Periodic table

  1. 4. types of elements located on the right of the table, normally liquids or gasses
  2. 7. vertical columns
  3. 11. Side of the periodic table that nonmetals are located at
  4. 12. metals in groups 3-12
  5. 13. types of elements located on the left of the table, usually solids with the exception of mercury
  6. 14. side of the periodic table that metals are located at
  7. 15. types of elements located on the staircase, a mix between metal and nonmetal
  1. 1. also the number of protons in an atom
  2. 2. group 17
  3. 3. Increases as you approach the bottom left corner of the periodic table
  4. 5. protons + neutrons
  5. 6. group 18
  6. 8. also known as the zigzag line, where metalloids are located
  7. 9. the 1 or 2 letters on each key of the periodic table that helps to identify each element
  8. 10. horizontal rows