Periodic Table

  1. 1. the smallest particle of an element that still has the properties of that element
  2. 5. smallest known particles
  3. 6. can be told by the group number
  4. 7. can be told by the amount of protons AND neutrons
  5. 14. where electrons are located
  6. 15. atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons
  7. 18. mass #, symbol (isotope notation)
  8. 19. used to identify an element
  1. 1. the number used to show the mass of the most common isotope of an atom
  2. 2. name of element-mass number (isotope notation)
  3. 3. tells you the amount of energy levels
  4. 4. where protons and neutrons are located
  5. 8. letter that represents the element
  6. 9. commonly used model to show atoms
  7. 10. negative charge in atoms
  8. 11. tells you the amount of valence electrons
  9. 12. positive charge in atoms
  10. 13. what all elements are shown on
  11. 16. what are shown on the periodic table
  12. 17. neutral charge in atoms